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CSSF Jobs in Luxemburg

Economist with orientation finance - Depositor and investor protection expert (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Following the entry into force of the Law of 18 December 2015 on the failure of credit institutions and certain investment firms, the missions exercised in the past by the Association pour la Garantie des Dépôts, Luxembourg (AGDL, Deposit Guarantee Association, Luxembourg) have been taken over by the Fonds de garantie des dépôts Luxembourg (FGDL, Luxembourg Deposit Guarantee Fund) and the Système d’indemnisation des investisseurs Luxembourg (SIIL, Investor Compensation Scheme Luxembourg). Ensure legal and regulatory monitoring in general and in particular in cooperation with other relevant CSSF’s departments [including prudential supervision and resolution departments], the Ministry of Finance and the Association des Banques et Banquiers, Luxembourg (ABBL, Luxembourg Bankers’ Association).

4 vor Tagen
Several Legal Experts/Economists (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

A first work experience in a renowned local law firm, in the legal service of a reputable professional of the financial sector, in the field of audit, compliance of credit institutions or other professionals of the financial sector or in a supervisory authority is an advantage. Investment firms are professionals of the financial sector (PFS) governed by the Law of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, which carry out investment activities or provide investment services.

4 vor Tagen
JAVA Developers (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Technical skills: Java 11+ / Spring / Springboot / Spring Security / Hibernate / JPA / Javascript / ReactJS/ PostgreSQL / RabbitMQ / Ansible / Git / Jenkins / Maven / Gradle / Linux / HTLM5 / CSS3 / Bootstrap / NodeJS / Secure coding (OWASP) / SQL / Docker / Swarm / Kubernetes / Devops / Keycloak . Design: MicroServices, MVC, REST/SOAP, Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development, Behaviour Driven Development, UML, Spring, security/OWASP, experienced in technical documentation writing.

4 vor Tagen
Legal expert (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

The tasks you will be entrusted with concern all of the legal Department’s AML/CFT/financial sanctions responsibilities, in particular the AML/CFT professional obligations of the entities supervised by the CSSF, the regulations and guidance relating thereto, the drafting thereof, issues relating to AML/CFT risk management by the supervised entities, the CSSF’s risk-based approach to AML/CFT supervision, the CSSF’s mission to cooperate and exchange information with other AML/CFT competent authorities at national and international level, as well as the CSSF’s representation in international organizations or national bodies. You will be part of a specialized team in charge of carrying out varied and often complex assignments in the fields of anti-money laundering and fighting the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) as well as financial sanctions.

4 vor Tagen
Security Analyst (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Knowledge of IAM applications, MFT systems, Email Gateways, Powershell scripting skills, experience with Microsoft SQL, RedHat Keycloak, MFA/Yubikey are considered an advantage. Within the IT Security division, you participate in the implementation of the CSSF’s IT security policy, manage various IT accesses and supervise systems and applications under the responsibility of the division.

4 vor Tagen
Experienced Internal Auditor (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

The Internal Audit’s mission is to critically assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the organisation and management of the CSSF’s missions and activities and of the related risks in order to assist the CSSF’s management to have the best possible control thereof. Identify the risks linked to the execution of the CSSF’s supervisory missions and, through audit engagements, evaluate mitigation measures in place.

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HR Analyst (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

High school diploma or Vocational Aptitude Diploma (preferably in an administrative or commercial field). Working with the IT department to optimise HRIS management and prepare for migration to a new system.

4 vor Tagen
Expert on supervisory data / tools for banking supervision (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Implementation of new dashboards, for instance to assess the data quality of supervisory reportings via synthetic indicators and to perform benchmarking, Development and maintenance of new supervisory tools based on qualitative and quantitative data to meet the needs of CSSF supervisory departments and/or the ones of joint projects with the European Central Bank. In this context, the “Methodology and Reporting” division in the “Banking Regulation and Implementation” department has three main missions: (i) Development and implementation of supervisory methodologies like the Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) which allows supervisors to assess the risks banks face and to ensure that banks manage those risks properly.

4 vor Tagen
Risk manager investment funds - International affairs (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Prepare and, as representative of the CSSF, participate in and contribute to national, European and international working groups on all relevant topics related to risk management and financial stability in the field of investment funds (e.g. Participate in the development/ enhancement of the Luxembourg regulatory framework regarding risk management for investment funds (e.g.

4 vor Tagen
Payment Services Analyst (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Assisting the hierarchy and the various analysts of the “métier Banques” in the execution of our banking supervision duties in relation to payment services. Regulatory watch of European and national regulations relating to payment services (PSD3/PSR, SCA&CSC, IPR, SEPA).

3 vor Tagen
Information systems on-site inspector (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Those inspections are conducted: ‒ in the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) on credit institutions established in Luxembourg or abroad in Europe; ‒ at the initiative of the CSSF on supervised entities located in Luxembourg, including credit institutions. Involvement in the entire on-site inspection (OSI) process: Preparing the inspection and coordinating the work of the inspection (as head of mission), developing and executing IT audit work programs (as head of mission or team member).

4 vor Tagen
Analyst for the prudential supervision of investment fund managers (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Your main responsibility is the prudential supervision of a portfolio of investment fund managers subject to the provisions of the Law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment and / or of the Law of 12 July 2013 on alternative investment fund managers (collectively “IFMs”). Performing the prudential supervision of a portfolio of IFMs (analysis of various financial reporting, annual reports and management letters, as well as issuing documents and control reports; review of regulatory compliance and evaluation of risks inherent to the organisation and activities of IFMs).

4 vor Tagen
Intern in depositor and investor protection (m/f) H/F

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

MissionVous intégrez l’équipe en charge de la protection des déposants et des investisseurs et participez activement à la vie du service en collaborant à son bon fonctionnement en général et en apportant de nouvelles idées en particulier.À la suite de l’entrée en vigueur de la loi du 18 décembre 2015 relative à la défaillance...

4 vor Tagen
Analyst for the thematic supervision of investment fund managers (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

In addition, you will be required, from time to time, to work on other projects, particularly those arising from ESMA requests (e.g., in the context of Common Supervisory Actions or Peer Reviews). Your main responsibility is the off-site supervision of IFMs in relation to various themes, including DORA (Digital Operational Resilience Act).

4 vor Tagen
Head of Division - Surveillance II (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Considering the growth of the number of payment and electronic money institutions subject to the prudential supervision of the CSSF as well as the arrival of future non-bank EMT issuers, crypto-asset service providers and non-bank ART issuers, it has been decided to split the current division « Surveillance des établissements de paiement et de monnaie électronique » into two divisions « Surveillance I » and « Surveillance II ». Knowledge of the applicable regulatory framework of the institutions supervised by the division (i.e. PSD 2, MICAR) is considered as a considerable advantage.

4 vor Tagen
Legal expert (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Contribute to the drafting of resolution plans and, where appropriate, represent the CSSF in internal resolution teams (IRT) operating within the framework of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) and/or in resolution colleges. Contribute to the application of national and European legislation in the context of the resolution of credit institutions, certain investment firms and central counterparties.

4 vor Tagen
Project Manager / PMO (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Operationally monitor the main components of projects and products (scope, budget, schedule, risks). Minimum degree required: BAC + 4/5 in IT, project management or economics/management (Master).

4 vor Tagen
Experienced investment fund specialist (UCITS, UCI, SIF, SICAR) (m/f)

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)

Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Perform the prudential supervision of investment funds for a diversified portfolio of funds (UCITS, UCI, SIF, SICAR) according to a risk-based approach: Based on the annual closing documents of the funds (e.g., annual reports, management letters, self-assessment questionnaires and separate reports) and other relevant information available to the CSSF (e.g., notifications 02/77), perform analyses on the risks / issues identified which may relate to themes such as valuation, NAV determination, accounting, investment compliance, expenses and income, disclosures, etc. annual reports, management letters, self-assessment questionnaires and separate reports as set out notably in the circular CSSF 21/790) of investment funds (UCITS, UCI, SIF, SICAR), including the irregularities raised by the external auditors in these documents and the regular analyses of more complex files identified based on a risk-based approach as well as (ii) the thematic reviews on key topics in the investment funds area.

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